CarbonBI is a revolutionary approach to operational reporting, analytics and data visualization.
Designed for business users, CarbonBI provides the ability to create and modify operational reports, add analytics such as time series for comparisons and produce and share dashboards and mashboards. This is all accomplished in one flow, with one user interface. We call this Flow Intelligence which reflects how users prefer to interact with their data.CarbonBI is engineered to be open, enabling data to be sourced from any relational database or application. Data can also be aggregated from multiple data sources and visualized in a mashboard, or personalized dashboard. Users can also output data into many different formats such as PDF, XML, and MS Excel as well as interact with reports and mashboards on Mobile devices. Design it once and use it in multiple ways. CarbonBI can be deployed in the Cloud or on-premise. The Cloud option is safe and secure, however, if preferred, data can remain on-premise and only metadata will be in transit. The component nature of CarbonBI allows for several configuration options.THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE CARBONBI SERVER: